About CBAA Learning
The Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA) champions community broadcasting by building stations’ capability and by creating a healthy environment for the sector to thrive.
CBAA Learning is a dedicated e-learning platform built by the CBAA for CBAA members and community broadcasters across Australia.
Community broadcasting is a vital part of the Australian media landscape. The 450+ radio services broadcasting across Australia play an important role in providing a voice for communities that aren’t adequately serviced by other broadcasting sectors. These include:
- Indigenous Australians
- Ethnic communities
- Educational services
- Religious communities
- Print disabled communities
- Music, arts and cultural services
- Youth and seniors’ communities
These community broadcasting services:
- Provide a diverse range of viewpoints that enrich the social and cultural fabric of Australian society and contribute to public interest outcomes
- Promote the identities of local communities and contribute to social inclusion
- Provide opportunities for participation in free-to-air public broadcasting and content production
- Contribute to media diversity
- Generate a high level of local content
- Provide a unique range of services and programs
For more information about the CBAA and the community broadcasting sector in Australia please visit cbaa.org.au