Sharing News with Build a Bulletin
Build a Bulletin is designed as an easy-to-use web-based News aggregation portal to help stations produce News, or add spoken word content to programmes, with editorially-sound content from Newsrooms across the Sector.
Webinar: Interviewing 101
In this webinar you will learn about the fundamentals of on-air interviews
Webinar: Breaking barriers in community media through collaborative training and mentoring
This session will explore the CMTO's AudioAbility program.
Webinar: Career Pathways in Radio
This session will explore numerous pathways you can take towards a paid career in media.
Webinar: Emergency Preparedness for Community Broadcasters
This session will provide information on community broadcasters role in times of climate-based disasters, how best to communicate emergency information to your local community, and to how to keep them safe and informed.
Webinar: Creating a Team Culture
This session will discuss principles and practices for building and maintaining a strong team culture that will help your station address conflict (or even avoid it altogether) and stay focused on your community.