Webinar: Complaints Handling
In this webinar you will learn the steps you need to take to prevent and deal with conflicts and complaints. You’ll learn how to provide a safe and effective service to those who wish to make a complaint to or about them and create a plan.
Webinar: Reporting on Suicide, Drugs and Alcohol
*SENSITIVE CONTENT SPOKEN ABOUT IN THIS WEBINAR* Mindframe is a national program supporting safe media reporting, portrayal and communication about suicide, mental ill-health and alcohol and other drugs.
Webinar: Volunteering Through a Different Lens
Clint Bertenshaw, Senior Manager: Sector Development and Engagement, from the Centre for Volunteering will provide you with insights and pragmatic approaches to Review, Revise and Rethink volunteering and your volunteer programs.
Webinar: Setting Your Spot Rate
This session will give you tips, tricks and a formula to help you set your sponsorship rate for your station.
Webinar: Getting Started with Current Affairs Programming
This session will give you some practical ideas for simple steps you can take, either as a station or as an individual, to include more current affairs programming, and make the most of the content you make.
Webinar: Developing Brand Consistency
This webinar will explore the importance of developing and maintaining brand consistency and how this applies to community radio stations.